VC Crime Stoppers: About Us




It is a volunteer organization of local citizens and business people dedicated to the reduction of crime, to the prompt solution of crimes, and to rewarding persons who provide information that leads to the arrest of criminals. Boiled down into simpler terms, Crime Stoppers is a group of concerned people who gather funds to reward individuals who provide information anonymously to our police agencies so that they can solve unsolved crimes.


What type of Organization is VENANGO COUNTRY CRIME STOPPERS?

Venango County Crime Stoppers is a non-profit , tax exempt corporation which was founded in December, 1988 through the efforts of many volunteers and the following police departments; Pennsylvania State Police, Franklin, PA., Oil city Police Dept., Franklin Police Dept, Sugarcreek Boro Police Dept., Venango Co. Sheriff's Dept. Venango County Crime Stoppers is administered by a civilian Board of Directors who have complete control of the operations of the organizaion.


How does Crime Stoppers Work?

Venango County Crime Stoppers are dedicated to solving crimes. By design they gather evidence and information on unsolved crimes through the cooperation of all the local media. Each week a fugitive or unsolved crime is selected by the Crime Stoppers Police Coordinator, who distributes the information as supplied by the investigating agency to the media for publication. This is known as the "CRIME OF THE WEEK" and will result in a Cash reward to the individual who supplied the information needed to solve the crime.


Why is Crime Stoppers Different?

Crime Stoppers is different from other programs in two ways. First the informant can remain completely anonymous and still receive the reward money. Second this program deals with crimes after they occur. Other programs deal with education before the crime occurs. But most importantly informants never have to give their name unless they want to.


How does the Telephone work?

The Venango County Crime Stoppers Tipline number is 814-676-9162. When an individual has information about the Crime of the Week or any other unsolved crime, they simply have to pick up the telephone and call the Crime Stoppers Tipline. The caller is assigned a special code number with no names given. Instructions are given to call the tipline again at a latter date to find out if the information qualifies for a reward.


How is the Program Funded?

Contributions are being solicited from service organizations, social clubs, business men & women, corporations and interested residents. Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization under Section 501(C) (3) of the IRS Code, so all contributions will be tax deductible. Tax ID # 25-1561851. For more information or to mail a contribution write to:

Venango County Crime Stoppers
P.O. Box 202
Franklin, PA 16323

THANKS for your suppport.